WordPress Developer: Unlocking Power with 85% Free in 2024

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  • Post last modified:October 1, 2024
  • Reading time:7 mins read

WordPress Developer This comprehensive course is designed to transform you from a basic WordPress user into a skilled WordPress developer, equipped to build dynamic, custom, and interactive websites.

Focusing on essential technologies such as PHP, JavaScript, WordPress theming, and the WordPress REST API, you’ll gain the expertise to leverage WordPress beyond its traditional role as a blogging platform, unlocking its full potential as a robust Content Management System (CMS).

Key Learning Objectives:

Harnessing the Power of Code:

Understand how coding enables the customization and extension of WordPress, allowing you to create unique functionality and design that goes beyond default settings.

Mastering PHP for WordPress:

Learn to write PHP to manipulate WordPress data, customize core functionalities, and build robust, dynamic features.

Explore how WordPress interacts with databases and how to customize this interaction for tailored solutions.

JavaScript for Interactive Features:

Develop a strong foundation in JavaScript, enabling you to add real-time interactivity and dynamic behaviors to your WordPress site.


Dive into object-oriented JavaScript and its practical applications in WordPress development.

Custom Gutenberg Block Creation:

Learn to develop custom block types for the Gutenberg Block Editor, enhancing content creation and management with personalized block functionality.

Professional WordPress Development Skills:

Acquire the terminology, tools, and best practices to operate as a professional WordPress developer, positioning yourself as a highly valuable asset in the web development field.


  • A basic understanding of WordPress (e.g., creating blog posts).
  • Fundamental knowledge of HTML (e.g., understanding tags such as <p> for paragraph and <h1> for headline).
  • No prior CSS or JavaScript experience is required (although basic knowledge of how these technologies are used will be helpful).

Course Features:

This course offers an in-depth, hands-on approach to WordPress development:

  • PHP Development: You’ll get an introduction to the PHP language, which powers WordPress, and learn how to convert an HTML template into a fully functional WordPress theme.
  • Custom Themes and Content: Understand how to set up new themes, create custom post types and fields, and establish relationships between different content types (e.g., linking professors to their academic programs).
  • JavaScript and the WP REST API: Leverage JavaScript to interact with the WordPress back-end in real-time, using the WordPress REST API to create dynamic user experiences.
  • Interactive User Features: Implement interactive features like user account creation, real-time content updates (e.g., CRUD functionality), and on-the-fly actions like “liking” content.

Updated for 2024:

The course has been updated with the latest WordPress features and technologies, including:

  • The Interactivity API for creating dynamic user experiences.
  • Block Themes and Full Site Editing capabilities.
  • Custom Gutenberg Block development.
  • Plugin development and React.js fundamentals.
  • Essentials of MySQL for advanced database manipulation.

Project-Based Learning:

Throughout the course, you’ll work on building a complete website for a fictional university, applying your skills in a real-world scenario. Key activities include:

  • Setting up a local WordPress installation for development and experimentation.
  • Developing custom post types, such as professors and academic programs.
  • Implementing user-driven features like note-taking and live “like” counts.

Target Audience:

  • Developers seeking to use WordPress as a comprehensive CMS, moving beyond its traditional blogging functionality.
  • Individuals interested in learning PHP and JavaScript in the context of WordPress.
  • Those looking to explore custom post types, fields, and relationships between different types of content.
  • Anyone eager to integrate the WordPress REST API for real-time data interaction and dynamic website functionality.


By the end of this course, you’ll have gained a solid foundation in PHP and JavaScript, learned to create custom WordPress themes, and understood how to extend WordPress functionality with advanced features. You’ll be prepared to take on professional WordPress development projects, whether for clients, employers, or personal use.

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