React JS Crash Course Learn the fundamentals of React JS. In this course, you will learn every React concept
React JS Crash
from scratch while delving deep into the fundamentals.
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What does this course cover?
- The fundamentals of how React state functions and how to use lifecycle methods.
- What does react’s functional components mean
- State and props in react
- Managing events
- React JS Crash
- data from an API
- Study rendering lists and keys.
- How to manage state in functional components and what UseState is.
- Handle side effects in functional components with the UseEffect hook.
- UseContext hook and handle global state
- Use a Reducer hook and sophisticated state control.
- Completely develop the React food application.
- React application deployment on Google Firebase
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Who should take this course:
- Anyone who wants to learn how to become a skilled React developer and create scalable online applications.
- programmers looking to become more valuable as web designers.
- anyone who aspires to work independently as a web app developer or as a freelancer.
What you’ll discover
- each of the react basic features
- What role do state and props play in reacting
- How to use several React JS hooks
- The best way to use local storage
- How to get information out of local storage
- How to enhance the efficiency of a react application by leveraging memo hooks and callbacks
- How to utilize a context hook to manage global state
Do any prerequisites or course requirements?
simple knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
What you’ll discover
- Getting started with React
- Begin your career as a React developer.
- Create a project to practice ReactJS.
- React JS Crash
- Discover the Context API and React Hooks.
Do any prerequisites or course requirements?
a familiarity of HTML5, CSS3, and basic JavaScript. Experience with React JS is not necessary.
This course is for React JS developers of all levels.
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