Visual Studio Code Editor with Tutorials in 2024

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  • Post last modified:August 14, 2024
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Visual Studio Code Editor: Visual Studio Code or VSC for short is one of the most popular source law editors used by programmers.

Visual Studio Code Editor Complete Guide with Tutorials in 2022

Visual Studio Code Editor

Microsoft designed VSC as across-platform law editor for writing web and pall operations. For the first time, it was blazoned on 29th April 2015 by Microsoft at the 2015 figure Conference which took place in San Francisco.

Many months latterly on Nov 18, 2015, VSC was released under the MIT license and the source law was made available on GitHub.

It includes features support for debugging, syntax pressing, intelligent law completion, particles, law refactoring, and bedded Git. druggies can change the theme, keyboard lanes, and preferences, and install extensions that add fresh functionality.

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It’s a free, open-source, and cross-platform editor which works on Windows, Linux, and macOS so that you can work anyhow of the platform your device is grounded on.

Supports myriads of programming languages

When you’ll visit the website of Visual Studio Code, in no time you’ll realize that it supports nearly all the major programming languages. It supports Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, TypeScript, C, Java, PHP, Go, C#, PHP, SQL, Ruby, Objective- C, and much further.

Provides language-specific attestation

Its website comprises documents specific to the common languages which Visual Studio Code supports. Some of these are C, C#, CSS, Go, Python, PHP, Java, and many further.


VSC comes with an in- erected debugger which is also one of its crucial features. It helps in accelerating any programmer’s edit, collect and remedy circle. still, by dereliction it only comes with a debugger supporting NodeJS which can remedy anything trans piled to JavaScript but again, you can use extensions for other runtimes,

Erected- in Git integration

Visual Studio Code goes one step further by furnishing a complete Git integration making programmers see changes incontinently without leaving the editor.

You can find the Git icon on the left wing of the sidebar where you can initialize it and can perform several Git commands like pull, drive, publish, and others. also, VSC also works with several Git depositories whether be it original or remote.



It’s a point that’s used by programmers for smart law completion, parameter word, content help, a quick word, and law intimating. For other languages, we can use IntelliSense by adding its extensions.

Command palette

Hitting Ctrl/ Command Shipt P or” f1″ brings the command palette which makes the VS Code accessible from the keyboard. It allows you to pierce all the functionality of VS Code including all the keyword lanes. also, this palette allows access to numerous commands too.

law operation features

Visual Studio Code also provides features for law operations like Go to Definition, Peek description, Find all references, and brand Symbol. By right-clicking on the law train, you can find these features fluently in VSC.


Just like any other popular editor, Visual Studio Code also provides customization. Actually, it provides extreme customization thanks to its flexible preference setting and a multitude of extensions. VSC gives you the options to change your theme, change your keyboard lanes, tune your settings, create particles, and much further.

What You Will Learn In This Course?

  • Downloading & Installing VSC
  • Opening Project In#VSC
  • Visual Studio Code stoner Interface
  • Sidebar In Visual Studio Code
  • Dragging lines & Terminal From one place to another
  • Installing stupendous & Weird Themes In VSC
  • Breadcrumbs, Minimap, Autosave, Zen mode In Visual Studio Code
  • Chancing & Replacing In Depth
  • Text Navigation Shortcuts In Visual Studio Code Editor
  • Text Selection Lanes In Visual Studio Code Editor
  • Display Shortcuts In Visual Studio Code Editor
  • General Lanes In Visual Studio Code Editor
  • Navigation Shortcuts In Visual Studio Code Editor
  • train operation Shortcuts In Visual Studio Code Editor
  • introductory Editing Lanes In Visual Studio Code
  • HTML Emmet’s In-Depth
  • CSS Emmet’s In-Depth
  • What you’ll learn
  • Download & Install Visual Studio Code for Free
  • Explore the UI of Visual Studio Code
  • Time-saving tips on how to efficiently navigate Visual Studio Code
  • Customize Visual Studio Code with lanes, themes, extensions, particles, and more
  • induce law briskly and more efficiently
  • Use HTML & CSS Emmet’s Like Monster
  • You, Will, Learn innumerous Lanes
  • Customizations
  • Install stupendous & Weird Extensions

Are there any course conditions or prerequisites?

Just Basics Of HTML

Who this course is for

  • New web inventors looking for stylish tools.
  • Endured Web inventors looking to switch over to Visual Studio Code
  • Web inventors looking to increase their speed and effectiveness as an inventor

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